Research for Policy
Samahi Research undertakes demand-driven research on key policy areas to inform policy debates, build research capacity and respond to topical research needs of the policy environment in the region in order to facilitate and support people led accountability for SDGs by ensuring that citizens engage in the process in a direct or indirect manner. We aim to bridge the vast policy-oriented research gap by providing relevant, solid research for policy makers and other stakeholders.
Samahi Research undertakes demand-driven research on key policy areas to inform policy debates, build research capacity and respond to topical research needs of the policy environment in the region in order to facilitate and support people led accountability for SDGs by ensuring that citizens engage in the process in a direct or indirect manner. We aim to bridge the vast policy-oriented research gap by providing relevant, solid research for policy makers and other stakeholders.
Case Study
Open Budget Survey
Samahi Research is the national partner for The Open Budget Survey in South Sudan, that assesses the three components of a country’s budget accountability system: public availability of budget information; opportunities for the public to participate in the budget process; and the role and effectiveness of formal oversight institutions, including the legislature and the national audit office (referred to here as the “supreme audit institution”).
These critical partnerships generate a stream of research work that have built our capabilities to deliver sound research on specific as well as cross-cutting thematic areas.
Services /projects
• Budget process
• Citizen budget